Find Your Bliss

1.  Supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment: wedded bliss.
2.  Theology . the joy of heaven.
3.  Heaven; paradise: the road to eternal bliss.
4.  Archaic. a cause of great joy or happiness.

I love the definitions of bliss. Finding bliss is ultimately finding joy and if your spiritual in thought- finding heaven while on Earth! I very much believe that bliss is a state of consciousness which we can experience to whatever extent we choose. So the first question in this hunt for bliss is to ask yourself, “What makes me feel joy?”

For some joy is found in a hobby, a trip to the ocean, an animal, a child, a spiritual practice, a significant other, a meaningful career. Truth be told there are many, many experiences that can create the feeling of bliss.

The intention in this article is for you to get clear with yourself about what has already or currently makes you feel joy. Ask yourself what has created that feeling for you? Once you have that feeling in mind, feel that feeling expand throughout your body. Breathe it deeply into your being and know that by doing this you are creating a pattern and pathway towards more blissful experiences. Anytime you would like to feel a bliss buzz this simple trick is always a readily available tool.

If you don’t feel like you are relating to joy, ask to see the hidden joy. What is the gift here? The hidden joy? You may be surprised by the answer.

Gratitude is amazing at centering us in a state of joyful abundance. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do there is always something to be grateful for.

A really powerful practice in building that bliss buzz is to simply to write down or mentally come up with ten things you are grateful for each night before bed. The more you focus on what you have the more abundant joyful bliss you feel, notice, and attract into your life. Joy is within you and very much wants to be expressed through you! These practices are actually a joy to do!

My wish for all of you is to remember your joys repeatedly and your worries less!

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